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Ships Cook Certificate – Amendment to update dated 10 April 2015

Ok, since my last posting I have been accused of misinformation so here is the final word from me on the Ships Cook Certificate:

If you have any questions on the SCC, you must contact Roger Towner (Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen at the MCA) and as he is the most senior person at The MCA dealing with SCC he can answer any of your questions.

His office is at Tel : +44 (0) 23 8032 9328


The email I received tonight  read: 

“ Just to clarify the post about the Ships Cook Certificate, I am afraid your post just added to the confusion. I don’t know who you spoke to in the MCA but the MCA policy is very clear. You are not ‘treated on a case by case basis’, if you wish to work on a commercial yacht with more than 10 crew you  need a Ships Cook Certificate. If you don’t have one you can obtain one by various routes which are described in MSN 1846 (type that into Google and you will get it). If you are an experienced chef  and have sea service (as laid out in the MSN) you can take the Ships Cook Assessment. There are no exceptions unless you have a Ships Cook Certificate from another maritime authority – THESE would be considered on a case by case basis. I hope that makes things clearer. »

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