Yachtwork & Accreditation of Prior Learning?
Ok, I have just been on the phone with Georgie from Yachtwork in Portsmouth, UK.
She now runs the Ships Cook Assessment there and is approved by MCA and offers chefs with the right prior chef qualifications with the ability to only have to sit the half day written assessment in order to get the Ship’s cook Certificate from UK MCA.
So please read the following carefully and if you are not sure if it applies to you please contact her directly at training@yachtwork.co.uk where she can answer your questions.
The basics are that if you are a chef with a proven track record working in a professional kitchen, have a proven track record/portfolio of skills that can be crossed referenced to learning outcomes, with 1 months sea time, food safety level 2 and chef qualifications and proof of Accreditation of Prior Learning from the list below you can apply to only sit the half day written assessment in the UK with her..
…see MCA minute- MSN 1846 (M) section 3. for criteria on eligibility
NOTE: Chefs with chef qualifications not listed below and from around the world should contact Georgie and ask about your quals in relation to what is acceptable. I would still recommend you contact the Maritime Authority in the country where you got qualified to ask them about the Ship’s Cook Cert as they may issue it to you if you meet their own criteria. eg if you have chef qualification from Canada contact Transport Canada or read Question 7 at http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/mpsp-training-examination-certification-faq-1052.htm#qt7
This is extract from latest MCA minute- MSN 1846 (M)
Basically .. from page 4 of the minute you will see what they accept:
In assessing prior learning, the learning outcomes set out in Annex 1 and 2 are not expected to be above the following Qualification Framework Levels:
- European Qualification Framework (EQF) – Level 3
- Qualifications and Credit Framework for England and Northern Ireland (QCF) – Level 2
- Credit and Qualification Framework for Wales (CQFW) – Level 2
- Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework (SCQF – Level 5)
- The National Qualifications for Ireland (NFQIE) – Level 3 Any learning outcomes not accredited will have to be completed.
NOTE TO CHEFS: City & Guilds 7062- this does not complete the bakery & pastry element so you would need to have another pastry or bakery qualification or to do the 1 day assessment for this element
MARITIME LABOUR CONVENTION, 2006: Food and Catering: Recognised qualifications in food hygiene or food safety in catering for Ship’s Cooks and others processing food in the galley. for MIN 479 (M) click here
To read the full Yachtwork training guide summary click the link Course Outline SCC
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