Canada – Ship’s Cook Certificate info
Last week I had a phone call from a Canadian chef about SCC so told her to contact Transport Canada directly and this is what she found out.. hope you find it of use..
Hello Efrem;
I’m happy that the MCA recognizes the Canadian SCC. All countries recognized are listed here:
The mail he sent won’t mean much to anyone because we discussed most of the situation on the phone. He’s at the head office so people should just contact their local Transport Canada office and the local officers there will answer any additional questions they have.
The first 3 screen caps are all the addresses and phone numbers across Canada where the cook can call to double check what documents they need. They can then go there and take their written exam (multiple choice). They should call their local branch of Transport Canada first so they know exactly what to bring with them and when they can schedule the exam (I’m not sure they need to actually schedule an exam seeing as it’s just a form with a test).
They must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents (if they’re not citizens) and they have to be in Canada to take the exam(s). There’s no other way.
Addresses can be found in this document linked below. (Chapter 1 section 1.8 Page 12).
It also lays out the syllabus for the practical examination and the written, multiple choice examination (Chapter 48 Page 345). Practical exam looks like a real pain in the butt.
The fourth screen cap shows exactly what a cook requires to get the Canadian SCC.
Here is the link to that screen cap:
Cooks who want to get a Canadian SCC will have to take the Marine Advanced First Aid course (It’s called Medical First Aid Care Provider in the US and it costs $700) and this complies with STCW A-VI/4, 4.1-4.3 which he said is mandatory.
Note that this is NOT the same first aid course that’s taken with the regular STCW course that we all should have.
This is the course number and the description here in the US. It’s a 3 day course. The course must be taken at a school that’s recognized by Transport Canada. MPT is recognized.
If they have a recognized cooking diploma from a Canadian province then they don’t have to take a practical exam, only written. If they don’t have a diploma, they will have to take a practical exam as well. This is good for people who never went to school but have been working in the field for a number of years.
That being said, by looking at the syllabus, I don’t know if a cook without a diploma would be able to pass it.
The cook has to have a month on a vessel or they can’t get the Canadian SCC. They must show proof through a letter from a captain or a discharge book that shows ports of entry and dates with vessel stamps.
If they don’t have a cooking school diploma that’s recognized by a province then they can have a training certificate after apprenticeship. I have never seen one of these and I have no idea what it is. They would have to contact an accredited cooking school in Canada to ask about that.
So that’s it really. Hope this helps. I may just have to go and get that expensive first aid course if I really want the UK SCC. That being said, I would still have to go to Canada to take the Canadian SCC written exam before I can be issued the US version.
Hope this helps.
Chef A
p.s. This link posted on your page doesn’t exist anymore:
List: Food Safety Level 2 from a recognized course provider:
I’m writing because I was looking at your Canadian page for the SCC. You mention that you don’t know what is meant by a diploma after apprenticeship. This is called a Red Seal in Canada. A person who either went to cooking school or didn’t go to cooking school and completes their apprenticeship can get a Red Seal certification over a period of time. It’s a document that is signed an updated by their head chef as they complete their tasks. Thought you might want to add that to your description under Canada SCC. I am going to get the Canadian SCC here in Ontario.
Would you happen to know the percentage needed to pass the Transport Canada written Ship’s Cook exam?
Thank you.
Hi, would recommend you contact them directly to get this info.