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Maritime New Zealand | Wellington – Update

I have been in contact with Maritime New Zealand | Wellington to get verification on whether chefs who have the relevant chef qualifications for getting prior accreditation when they apply for the Ships Cook Certificate with them.

They can’t at present confirm what situation is regarding prior accreditation.

So looks like the process is under review and maybe all the flag states are going to be agreeing on how to validate chef qualifications for prior accreditation? or not???

So watch this space, I will post an update as soon as I hear..


Prior accreditation of chef qualifications in relation to having to sit the Marine Cookery Assessment should be seriously looked at by the flag states and chefs should then only have to then sit just the half day written exam if they have studied and passed the chef qualifications that match the syllabus of the Marine Cookery Assessment.

Why should a chef have to pass an exam if they have already passed a professional chef qualification in the past?

If a chef isnt culinary qualified then fair enough for them to sit the whole Marine Cookery Assessment.

Lets see what the flag states announce next regarding prior accreditation…



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